Hashim is highly regarded as being a ‘formidable, natural advocate’ in the fields of serious crime and complex fraud, in which he is highly sought.
He has extensive experience defending sophisticated and serious organised crime, in the Crown Court and Court of Appeal [Criminal Division].
Hashim is regularly instructed to defend cases of the utmost gravity and public importance, including homicide, serious violence, complex fraud, serious and historic sexual offences, organised crime group drug trafficking and money laundering.
Hashim has an outstanding reputation for fearlessly representing a defendant’s best interests, his meticulous preparation, proactive style and exceptional client care skills.
Hashim always goes the extra mile.
He accepts direct access instructions.
R v Shanahan and Smith
Murder for gain, involving young defendants and complex scientific forensic evidence.
R v Gray & Lawrence
Murder involving complex medical, toxicology and blood expert evidence.
R v McDonagh and Facey
Murder for gain involving a planned stabbing and complex joint enterprise issues.
R v Sullivan
Historic rape and serious sexual offences involving multiple complainants and natural daughters.
R v Midgley-McDonald and Midgley-McDonald
Leading counsel in a complex nationwide fraud involving a company with a turnover of over £9 million and terabytes volume of data. Proceedings required specialist consideration of regulatory law and a novel point of law in relation to abuse of process.
R v Evans
Rape involving a step daughter and the use of an intermediary given the Defendant’s severe communication difficulties.
R v Davies
Serious historic sexual offences involving step daughters and complex mental health issues.
R v Evans
Serious historic sexual offence involving a Defendant aged 89 and a charge that dates back to 1957.
R v Bulmer
A regional organised crime unit investigation involving the seizure of over half a million pounds cash.
R v Wright
Marital rape involving extreme mental health issues and the presentation of extremely sensitive and explicit material.
R v Cook and Yau and Others [Operation Lilac Mars]
Conspiracy to supply Class B drugs involving an organised crime unit covert investigation; the trafficking of well over 100 kilos of drugs; and the seizure of £600,000+ cash.
R v Gifford and Others [Operation Jackdaw II]
Conspiracy to supply Class A drugs involving a sophisticated and large-scale commercial supply of drugs estimated to be at £22 million.
R v Davies and Rzepka and Others [Operation Red Dragon]
Conspiracy to supply heroin involving a sophisticated covert ‘test purchase’ investigation.
R v Mordecai and Others [Operation Toucan]
Conspiracy to produce and supply Class B drugs involving a sophisticated operation on a significant commercial scale.
R v Lloyd and Others
Serious organised crime involving conspiracy to supply an UZI machine gun and ammunition. Judge persuaded to disapply a mandatory minimum sentence of imprisonment - resulting in a substantially reduced sentence of custody.
R v Callaghan and Others [Operation Dino I]
Significant and substantial conspiracy to defraud insurance companies [£250,000+].
R v Wood and Others [Operation Dino II]
Significant and substantial conspiracy to defraud insurance companies [£250,000+].
R v Fox and Others [Operation Anoint]
Significant and sophisticated conspiracy to defraud HMRC [£500,000+].
R v Anvirazadeh and Others [Operation Pataca]
Serious organised crime group conspiracy to supply drugs and significant and sophisticated money laundering operation [£2 million+].
R v Maxwell and Others [Operation Oyster]
Significant and sophisticated conspiracy to defraud financial institutions [£5 million+].
R v Carbis and Others
Modern slavery and kidnap that attracted national publicity.
R v Ali and Others
Largest seizure of Class A controlled drugs [heroin] in South Wales Police history [£4 million+]. Serious organised crime conspiracy to supply Class A controlled drugs.
R v Wheeler
Manslaughter reduced to causing death and serious injury by dangerous driving.
R v Bush [Court of Appeal]
Conspiracy to supply Class A drugs involving a significant operation and a street value of £15 million+.
R v Lloyd and Others [Operation Dodge]
Complex conspiracy to defraud involving legal firms and financial institutions [£100,000+].
R v Piecko
Defendant had previously pleaded guilty to an offence of serious violence. Thereafter, successfully applied to vacate the guilty plea; negotiated the prosecution to accept a ‘lesser’ offence; and reduced the sentence from a starting point of 12 years custody to a suspended sentence of custody.
Hashim Salmman
General crime
Serious organised crime
Serious violence and sexual offences
Complex conspiracies
Proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002
Lincolns Inn
Wales and Chester Circuit
Criminal Bar Association
For any enquiries, please contact the clerking team:
Email: clerks@apexchambers.net
Phone: 02920 23 2032