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Regulatory and Complaints Information

Regulatory Information


Barristers’ Register
Members of chambers are regulated by the Bar Standards Board. 


You can search the Barristers’ Register on the Bar Standards Board’s website.



This shows (1) whether a barrister has a current practising certificate, and (2) whether a barrister has any disciplinary findings, which are published on the Bar Standard Board’s website in accordance with their policy. 


Professional liability insurance
All of our members of chambers have professional liability insurance provided by the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund. The minimum cover which barristers must have is £500,000 although many members of chambers have cover in excess of this figure.


Complaints Information

Complaints Procedure

Statement of Policy
Apex Chambers is committed to openness in the receipt and investigation of complaints. It has a clear process for handling such complaints including an investigation into the root cause and ensuring that appropriate action is taken, where necessary. It aims to communicate with the complainant in a clear and timely manner.

As part of our commitment to client care we make a written record of any complaint and retain all documents and correspondence generated by the complaint for a period of two years from the date of closure. Chambers Management Committee inspects the complaints register periodically with a view to improving services.

Chambers views a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard and quality of service provided by Chambers, its members or staff, arising from their action or lack of action affecting an individual, organisation or group.


Making a complaint

You can make a complaint by telephone or in writing.


Informal Procedures

Complaints are more easily resolved if dealt with at an early stage. Apex Chambers advocate for informal resolution via direct conversation in the first instance.



If you wish to make a verbal complaint please contact Craig Mansfield (Senior Clerk). However, if the complaint is about the Senior Clerk himself, please contact Christopher Rees KC, the Head of Chambers. A record will be made of the details of your complaint. Your concerns will be discussed with you with the aim of resolving the complaint. If the complaint is settled, a record will be made of the outcome.


If your complaint is not resolved on the telephone you may be invited to write to chambers within the following 14 days, so it can be investigated formally and you may be asked to complete a complaints form to help us understand the details of your complaint and how you would like the complaint resolved.



In making a complaint in writing, please include the following details:

• your name and address;
• which barrister or member of Chambers’ staff is the subject of your complaint;
• the detail of the complaint.

Please address your letter or email to Craig Mansfield (Senior Clerk). If the complaint is about the Senior Clerk himself, please address your correspondence to Christopher Rees KC (Head of Chambers). We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within seven days of the date of receipt and will provide you with details of how your complaint will be handled. You may be asked to complete a complaints form to help us understand the details of your complaint.

Complaints will be dealt with promptly and in accordance with this procedure. All formal complaints will be acknowledged within seven days of receipt. Any investigation will be completed within 28 days of receipt, unless there are good reasons for the delay. Investigations will be conducted in accordance with standards of natural justice. Where possible, two members of chambers not directly involved in the complaint will undertake the investigation.


Confidentiality will be maintained as far as possible and appropriate to the circumstances.

All conversations and documents relating to a complaint will be treated as confidential and will only be disclosed to the Head of Chambers, the Management Committee of Chambers, Senior Clerk and to anyone involved with the complaint or the administration of the complaints procedure within chambers generally. This will include the barrister or member of staff complained about.


Contacting Apex Chambers

Formal complaints should be made in writing and addressed to;


Apex Chambers

32 Park Place


CF10 3BA


Or emailed to


Verbal complaints should be made to Craig Mansfield, Senior Clerk on 029 2023 2032



Complaints to the Bar Standards Board

This complaints procedure is not designed to deal with complaints which, if proven, would amount to serious professional misconduct by a barrister. The Bar Standards Board (BSB) investigate complaints where a barrister may have broken the rules or acted in a way that might damage the public’s ability to trust barristers or other people that they regulate. If your complaint against a barrister clearly alleges serious professional misconduct, then you are entitled to refer your complaint to the BSB.

You can contact the BSB by email at or by post to: The Bar Standards Board, 289-293 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7HZ. Further information can be found at Reporting concerns about barristers (


Legal Ombudsman

Chambers will make every effort to conclude its investigations and respond to your complaint within 8 weeks of receipt. However, at the conclusion of the investigation you will be informed that you are entitled to refer the matter to the Legal Ombudsman if you remain dissatisfied.


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