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Rosamund joined Chambers in 2016 upon the successful completion of her pupillage during which she was supervised by Christopher Rees and John Ryan.

Rosamund defends and prosecutes in the Crown Court, Magistrates’ Court and Youth Court.

She prosecutes regularly for the CPS and is a CPS Grade 1 prosecutor as well as prosecuting for Local Authorities and representing the Secretary of State in Immigration and Asylum matters.

Rosamund has experience in defending in a wide range of cases and is developing a practice in defending professionals in the public services sector charged with criminal offences whilst at work. She also represents clients at disciplinary proceedings including in the Health and Care Professions Council.

Before undertaking pupillage, Rosamund worked as in-house counsel for the commercial arm of a charity and in a pro-bono capacity as an advocate for Bristol Law Court Clinic. She graduated from the University of Exeter in 2011 following a year spent in France at Université de Rennes studying French law.

Rosamund was awarded the Ann Goddard Pupillage Scholarship in 2016 for talented up-and-coming barristers entering publicly funded areas of law.

Rosamund Rutter

Rosamund Rutter


General crime (including sexual offences, violent and public order offences, drugs, dishonesty and fraud offences and Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 proceedings).

Disciplinary tribunals, regulatory law (including trading standards, health and safety and planning law prosecutions) and prosecutions pursuant to the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Immigration, asylum and deportation appeals to the First Tier and Upper Tier of the Immigration and Asylum Chamber. 


Member of the Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn
Member of the Criminal Bar Association
Member of the Junior Lawyers Division

For any enquiries, please contact the clerking team:


Phone: 02920 23 2032

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